
Staff holidays

Important announcement: Staff holidays are between 23rd Jan and 9th Feb. Any orders placed during that time will not be fulfilled until the 10th of Feb. We apologies for this inconvenience and appreciate your patience whist we recharge our batteries. You may still contact us if required.

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Andy - Badminton - Glasgow
Adam - Badminton - London

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About us:

OLIVER Badminton UK & Ireland

Welcome to OLIVER Badminton UK & Ireland. We are proud to bring to the UK the racket sports equipment of this established producer.

“The Oliver Racket Company was found in year 1938 by Jack Oliver in Adelaide/Australia and was until the end of the 70s one of the most significant tennis and squash racket producers in Australia, New Zealand and US.” Learn more

OLIVER have extended their passion for racket design to the sport of badminton and the success is in the quality of their rackets. Try the them out for yourself by using our demo rental service or contact us

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